Wednesday, June 07, 2006

My New Guilty Pleasure

So, what with it being summer and all, I have found myself staying up later and later. My summer insomnia (or as I lovingly refer to it "the big eye") has kept me awake well past midnight for about a week now. For those who know me, that is a fete as my normal bedtime during the school year averages out to about 10. Which, yes, means 9 sometimes. But I digress...I was flipping through stations one night and ran across a gem of a program called Parental Control on MTV, because heaven forbid they have a video on...even at 1 in the morning. The premise is as follows: Son/Daughter is dating a complete loser. Parents think they can find someone better. They interview replacements and choose 2 for Son/Daughter to date. Now, not only does Kid have to go on a date with someone their parent picked out, but, and here's the clincher, Parents and Loser Boyfriend/Girlfriend watch the date together. After the dates, Kid decides to either stay with Loser or date New Person. Seriously. The show is hi-LAR-ious. These people are idiots. All of them.

However, considering how right my parents were about the people I've dated, maybe it's not such a bad idea after all...

Saturday, June 03, 2006

The Summer of Me

Is off to a roaring good start!!

Quick list of things I've done in the first week of break:
1. Visited family and played at the pool with the kids.
2. Read 2 books.
3. Went to the pool with Lynn and got just a touch singed.
4. Enjoyed new resteraunt, Cabana, where there was lots of good food, stout drinks, and cute boys.
5. Helped Tabi get ready for opening of store. Her boss is a former bit part actor. He bought us lunch. I've now officially had food with a celebrity.
6. Went to a book signing for Mary Kay Andrews who wrote one of the books I've read this week. Good times!
7. Saw The Break Up. B+ I ADORE Vince Vaughn and Jon Favraeu. Apart they are good, together they are divine.
8. Had breakfast with friends.
9. Bought new Al Gore book in preperation to meet him at Davis-Kidd in 2 weeks.
10. Planned a trip to the beach.
11. Planned a trip to Oregon.
12. Written on my blog twice now thereby doubling the number of posts I've had these past months!

Notice nowhere on the list are the words: slept late. There's a rather annoying bluejay who insists on flying into my bedroom window every morning around 6.30. I figure if he keeps this up he'll be dead soon, otherwise I would take more drastic measures to end this non-awesome event.