Saturday, February 25, 2006

get LOST

Well, we finished watching the first season of Lost last night at about 1 am. I loved watching it again, but especially I loved watching it with people who hadn't seen it before. It was so fun to know what was coming and hear them gasping and yelling and screaming. It was also very cool how much you catch on the second go round. I think Janel and I drove them nuts when we would start whispering about stuff that has come up in the second season.

So, while watching my favorite show with new folks was great...I've made some new friends from it, too. I don't really remember how it all came about, but Lesley had mentioned it to me and I probably invited myself along. We make dinner (highlights: Mandy's individual cheesecakes and last night's breakfast for dinner shmorgasbord), watch, recap, laugh, recap, and have a great time. And here's what I've learned:
1. Walt is a freak.
2. Lesley is hilarious to watch serious shows with...She gets so into it, it's precious.
3. From liking crusty food to hating feet, Mandy may just be my soulmate.
4. Speaking of, never tell Cory you don't like feet or his will be in your hair in about 10 seconds. (Shout out by the way to Cory's group Vocal Union who we learned last night is going to record a demo for McDonald's: Ba da da da da. I'm lovin' it. Mwaaaa.)
5. JJ Abrams is a friggin genius.
6. Susan (my Stumps, my Stumps, my Stumps) can bestow theme songs in a nanosecond.
7. JT is hiLARious. And good at picking up on details.
8. There are fine nuances in the difference between Dirty Hot and Filthy Hot.

Now I better newest acquisition from NetFlix is Nosferatu and I need to start paying attention...

Thursday, February 23, 2006

The Funniest Thing I Heard This Week Award

Goes to the kid working at the Tea & Coffee Shop in Birmingham. Jenny and I had a fabu spa morning and then went for lunch at this cute little bistro coffee shop. As we're enjoying our lunch, a woman comes in with her daughter. The following is the dialogue between mom and working kid:

Mom: Do you have grilled cheese?
Kid: Um, no ma'am. We don't have a grill.

I wasn't sure I heard that right until I looked up at Jen and she's looking at me to see if she heard it right. Maybe it was a had to be there thing, but she called just this afternoon giggling about it again. Good times.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Best. Movie. Ever.

I just finished watching The Usual Suspects. For the 80 gazillionth time. It is so stinkin' good! I think evey time I've watched it, I've discovered something different. I love movies like that, and it's so hard to find them. Memento is another movie that does a nice job with the "Holy crap!" factor, but I just don't think anything will ever top my boy Kevin Spacey. Mmm. Chills. Any others that I need to be aware of?

And now for a random assortment:
1. We had a snow day today. Yea! I love snow days without snow. I went to the gym with 2 girls from school and then we went to eat Mexican food. You gotta love it.
2. I've stayed out until 3 am the past two Saturdays! Now, for the normal world, I realize that's uneventful, but I'm practically 80 when it comes to my bedtime so I was impressed with myself. Both times I was with my friend Lisa, who is one of the funniest people on the planet. What's most impressive is that I also made it to church. On time. Go me.
3. Millie just ripped one and my eyes are watering.
4. I hate Valentine's Day. Not because I'm single. Because of people that talk about how much single people hate Valentine's Day while at Target. I was there today getting stuff for the kids tomorrow and these two chicks were just going on and on about how bitter single people are about it. I'm not bitter. I just think it's a commercial holiday. And yes, I thought that when I had a Valentine so there. Shut it.
5. Seriously, I have to go let Mills out. She's killin' me.