Saturday, May 14, 2005

My New Best Friend

I went to the Patty Griffin show at the Ryman tonight. First of all, I must say that Chadd is the go-to guy for tickets. I knew it was going to be good when we showed the usher our tickets and she said, "Oh, you're down front." I'm sorry? Did we win a contest? No, Chadd's just awesome. We went to our seats which were 5 rows back from the stage. FIVE rows! Now I know there's really not a bad seat at the Ryman, but I was about to cry as we just kept walking closer and closer to the stage. I was in awe when we sat down and I realized that I could, from my seat, spit my gum and hit Patty. I decided then that we would be BFF (for those of you who didn't experience junior high as a girl, that stands for Best Friends Forever). The opening fellow was good. I don't know his name, but he was a slightly skanky version of Antonio Banderas. He played a mean accordion, though. It was very fun music and would be great to salsa dance to. Not that I know how to salsa. But I imagine it would be fantastic.
Then Patty came out. She started on the piano and sang a lullaby that her grandmother used to sing to her. I remembered it from the last time I saw her. She told a lot of stories about her songs then, but didn't tonight which was a little disappointing. I like to know where songs come from, especially ones as intriguing and evocative as hers.
My favorite part of the show was when the band went away and it was just Patty. With her guitar and a voice that absolutely breaks my heart. She sang Long Ride Home, which is one of my all time favorites. Then she sang a new song. Oh my word. I will buy the cd the day it comes out so I can listen to it in the privacy of my own home and cry like a baby. It was beautiful. I almost cried in the Ryman, but I didn't want to embarrass Chadd. Then I saw he was crying, too, but I decided to stay strong. She did one more new one and then moved to the piano. The band came back out, and after a few songs Buddy Miller came out. One of the songs he played with her was Rain. That is the very first song I heard by her. She had me at "Now I don't want to beg you, baby, for something maybe you could never give. I'm not lookin' for the rest of your life, I just want another chance to live." Pause for a moment of quiet reflection.
The concert was over too stinkin' fast. Before I realized it she was talking about finishing off the set. What? You just started! Urg! She did come back for an encore (more on that later) and sang Tears of a Clown, which was very fun. Four whole people actually stood up and danced. She closed with Icicles. Good choice, Patty.
Okay, now for the encore rant. Chadd brought it up in the car, and it's actually something I've said before, too: I hate the concept of the encore. It's not like it's ever a surprise. There's already a set list. Do we really have to stroke your ego that much? We already paid $50 for a ticket. We like you. Just play the songs.
Hm. Now it's 1 am. And, to paraphrase Curious George: After a long day and a good night, LB was very tired.


At 9:48 PM, Blogger CHADDDD said...

Thanks for changing it from 9th row to the 5th row. I would not want anyone to underappreciate my ticket-buying awesomenimity. And I did not cry.

At 8:05 AM, Blogger Al said...

I want to be invited next time you go see Patty. Love her! Rain = big fat tears plopping down my face!


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