Sunday, May 01, 2005

God Bless America

Have you ever heard the sound of a dream dying? I did on Saturday at the CMM. I was there to drop off family and lend moral support to friends. What I ended up doing was bearing witness as this poor woman's career circled the drain. She sang "God Bless America." She tried the soulful warble that just doesn't fit some people (i.e. her), but the real clencher was how she just couldn't seem to hit a note. Any note. Amanda, how did you miss it? Dan, thank you for being there to mock accordingly. Woman, I'm sorry you'll be keeping your waitressing job.


At 9:32 PM, Blogger Daniel said...

You're being too kind. That woman was horrendous. Thus one of the most abhorrent features of living in this city: delusional wannabe musicians EVERYWHERE! Here's a joke for you:

q.) How do you get a musician off your porch in Nashville?
a.) Just pay for the pizza.

But you know, maybe it was a good thing for her. Thousands of these people come to this city every year with a guitar and no common sense. They think, "I'm gonna' be a country music star!" while they fetch a clean fork for me. Year after year of disappointment doesn't seem to phase most of them. Maybe it was a blessing to this woman to botch her big chance in front of 18,000 people and run off the stage crying. Maybe she'll go back to wherever she came from and lead a productive life. Until then, can I get some more ketchup?

Am I being too mean? I have very little patience for these people, expecially ones who have families that live on a diet of mac n' cheese while they live the fantasy.

At 4:35 AM, Blogger LB said...

Tell us how you really feel, Dan! Ouch. Actually, she was that bad. The thing I'm most sad for her about is that she'll chalk up the warble to allergies or acid reflux a la Ashlee Simpson (although she's a fine example of someone with little to no talent actually getting a record deal) and keep right on going. Vick, are delusions of grandeur 1205 or 1208?

At 4:58 AM, Blogger amanda said...

i don't know how i missed the wailer b/c i heard the nat'l anthem. i guess i'd already turned on my earphones and the pixies drowned out her sad musical debut

At 1:04 PM, Blogger Tiffany said...

After a night downtown, some of my high school friends and I were heading down Broadway, and a woman carrying a guitar case and stool was crossing in the middle of the street. Alicia rolled down her window and yelled, "Go home! You'll never make it!"

I also used to have a "Welcome to Nashville. Now y'all go home." bumper sticker, but couldn't bring myself to put it on my car.


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