Friday, April 22, 2005


It's been a lloonngg day. TCAP's are going on this week and next. First grade doesn't do TCAP. Oh, except for ELL first grade. We do the language accomodation. Who thought that was a good idea? So I've tested my kids ALL morning. Good times. At about 12, we finally finished the tests and got to have a little fun. Dan came to read (thanks again!) and the kids LOVED it. I don't know if they were laughing at the book or the accents, but whenever you're free, please come back! Oh, and if only the day had ended there. No, it's the Friday after report cards. POPS Rally Friday. I can't tell you what the acronym stands for but I can think of plenty of other 4-letter words that I could substitute. Mainly, it's just chaos. I was sitting between Lori and Lisa which is always a good thing when it comes to being subjected to torture. Kids were dropping like flies. It was so hot. As Lisa said, "If you have heat and kids, they're like cats. They sleep!" True. So true. So do their teachers. I'm ready for the retreat.


At 1:18 AM, Blogger LB said...

As I'll be trapped in a closet all day (doing what? you might ask...testing, of course!), I think people would mainly find it strange.


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