Thursday, April 14, 2005


Our Father who art in Heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Give us this day our daily olestra
And forgive our debts as we forgive our debtors
Who live with us and vote for the city commissioners we support
Lead us not into temptation of evil croutons
And deliver us from the maytag bleu cheese dressing at J. Alexander's
(But please don't take away our Long Island Iced Teas)
For thine is the kingdom of Brentwood, the power over food, and the glory of Gwesus
For ever and ever

My friends and I made up this (highly) modified Lord's Prayer this morning in response to a conversation begun Tuesday night. We somehow got on the subject of Gwen Shamblin, aka Gwesus (oh, how I wish I could take credit for that moniker!). If you don't know who this woman is, think of the craziest most delluded and inherently evil person ever to walk the earth. That's getting close to Gwesus. I say that in all honesty, and without a hint of exaggeration or sarcasm. She's evil. I knew she was crazy when I saw her one night on Larry King. For my friends that didn't believe even Gwesus could say such a thing, here is part of the interview:
"How in the Holocaust did you have all these people getting down real skinny? They ate less food." AND in a depostition she went on that "What I base the genetics on is documentation in the seige in the Holocaust, that when people were in prison camps and ate less food, they lost weight -- all of them." Hm, Gwennie, do you think that could be because their captors were STARVING THEM TO DEATH??


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