Sunday, April 10, 2005

Be thankful

As I sit here about to fall over onto my keyboard and sleep, I have to take a minute and just say that I am so thankful for my friends. I have had another amazing day (going on two weeks now, yea spring!) today with friends. I realized tonight driving home how lucky I am to have these people in my life. Here is a taste of what I have in my life, and I pray to God that I never lose them:
-Amanda is the most energetic person I have ever known in my life. She loves people. Any people. All people. I often tell her she's running for mayor. She is accepting of anyone and everyone. She knows how to drive me crazy (insisting I'm wrong about something...the nerve!) but knows when to not push my buttons. She's hilarious. And loud. We can disagree and be on each other's last nerve, and 5 minutes later it's as if nothing ever happened. Amanda has been with me through a lot over the past year and a half or so. And for that I'll be forever grateful.
-Chadd is the one who said I was charmingly abrasive, though I don't think he remembers that. His one-liners and asides are precious to me. Chadd makes my stomach hurt. In a good way. It's because I'm laughing.
-Al is quiet, but the king of the pun. You have to listen, or you'll miss it. He is also very accepting, and he's kind. Plus, he has great stories of being a Gippie. He's also the only person who can get away with calling me Lara B. And he can really shake his groove thing.
-Dan is the newest addition to my circle of friends. I don't know how willingly he came into the fold, but we haven't run him off yet. He, too, makes me laugh (I'm sensing a pattern here). Dan has some of the best, grossest, and worst stories I've ever heard. Everything seems to remind him of a story--whether a story of his former antics or whatever--there's always a story.

I have other friends that are equally as important to me, but these are the ones I've been with all day and so they're on my mind. I don't know when was the last time I was this happily and contentedly exhausted. Thank you. Thank you for pushing, challenging, humoring and blessing me with your very nature. I wonder what the next sunny day will bring us...


At 7:20 PM, Blogger amanda said...

...probably hummus and ice cream (yes, in that order)!
what a fun day! I have to echo josh's words that it's hard to imagine anyone else having a better time than we've had the past 2 days! I, too, am extremely thankful to have a neat circle of friends.

At 6:00 PM, Blogger amanda said...

have you noticed on these blog sites how many folks use the word 'musing(s)'? it's really quite common! i've never even really used the word in common speak till I put it on mine! anyway, i just found that interesting.

At 6:12 PM, Blogger LB said...

It's a good word. Maybe it's catching back on in popularity... Next we should try fortitudinous!

At 1:45 PM, Blogger Daniel said...

Thank you. That was very sweet. I, too, have greatly appreciated the past few weeks. You all know that I have struggled with being the 'new guy' and an outsider at OC for a long time now. Now, I feel a part of the crew. More importantly, I fee that just over the past few weeks I feel that I have been accepted into this little 'family'. I LOVE IT!

At 9:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was a wonderful weekend. Maybe its because of the borderline antisocial disorder, but I'm amazed to find the circle of friends I currently enjoy. I am blessed beyond what I deserve. I do remember coining the term "charmingly abrasive", just not the place nor the context.


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