Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Gray's Theorem of Utopia

Playtime in the Park + Rotier's=Happiness


At 7:59 PM, Blogger CHADDDD said...

Optional variables to increase said utopia: 1. A Happy Fun Ball (preferably one that stays inflated) 2. A Super Bubbles kit manufactured in at least four different countries. 3. A game of softball keep away (tackling encouraged). 4. Wind. Any wind at all.

At 6:00 AM, Blogger amanda said...

Next time we play tackle catch i'm wearing a mouthpiece! Ha!
I'll bring my glove to retreat this weekend!
oh, what i would give right now for a Rotiers breakfast sandwich.....

At 2:26 PM, Blogger LB said...

Oh, yes, we forgot to tell Vick and Dan that the bubbles were the next best thing to being at the UN.


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