Monday, April 25, 2005

The Big Eye

Some things I learned by 3 this morning:
1. Mary, Queen of Scots, escaped her island prison by posing as a handmaid. Stupid boat man took her back when he saw that her hands were "fair and white." Bad ol'boat man.
2. MTV does still occassionally play videos. And not just gangsta rap ones. Moby was just on!
3. Elimidate is the skankiest show on television. I actually already knew that, but there was just a particularly disturbing one where dude took his little sister on the date.
4. The official languages of Nigeria are English, Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo, and Fulani. In that order. Niger is the one I was thinking of that has French as their official language.
5. There's an island in the South Pacific called Pitcairn. The population is 46. One of their main sources of revenue is from postage stamps.
6. According to, my gangsta name is Supa-Sprung Couch Bouncer. Somehow, I don't think it means "shining" or "illustrious" like my real name. (by the way, I'd like to send a shout out to my homegirl Liz for recommending this mad crunk site.)
7. Once I write the word "shining," it's an impossibility for the song "Shiny Happy People" to NOT get stuck in my head.
8. I get itchy when I can't sleep. Oh, wait, that's probably because I was "smitten" earlier by my liege.
9. Ancillary and auxiliary are, in fact, synonymous: Helping. Ancillary generally means "of secondary importance," though. But, no Claire, your job is not ancillary in that sense. No matter what Metro says. When I rule the world, I will change the title. Or you could ask Dan to now. He's apparantly good at these things (i.e. #8).
10. I don't really have a #10. I just felt I needed to end on a round number.
11. But since I have never really understood what a round number is, I don't really know when to stop.
12. Now's good.


At 5:08 AM, Blogger amanda said...

wow. someone should have taken a sleeping pill!

At 10:54 AM, Blogger amanda said...

...and my gangsta name is Supa Crack Smoka!!

At 12:48 PM, Blogger LB said...

someone wouldn't have been able to get out of bed had one had said pill...but believe me, tonight-it will be so.

At 11:05 AM, Blogger Tiffany said...

I think the Big Eye is contagious and I caught it from you last night.

Stupid-Ass Crack Smoka

At 2:39 PM, Blogger LB said...

wow...I'm going to have to stop associating with you crack're a bad influence.


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