Thursday, April 28, 2005

The Tao of Melvin

I am going to start writing a book of Melvinisms. If you're Vietnamese and your name is Melvin, how can you NOT have a sense of humor? Actually, the mere fact that your name is Melvin would probably do the trick. So anyways, coming off of the conversation in the closet the other day, I have decided to start jotting down these little gems. I will give you two today, just to get the ball rolling.

On a field trip last Tuesday, driving into downtown:
Melvin: Ms. Gray! I can read that sign!
Me: Which one? What does it say?
Melvin (pointing to ad for male pattern baldness): We grow hair!
Me: Why would they want to grow hair do you think?
Melvin: Maybe they want to be girls!
This only got better when we got to the symphony and the conductor, an Asian man with long flowing hair, walked onto the stage. There was pure joy and amazement in his eyes.

Today, leaving for yet another field trip:
Melvin: Ms. Gray, you know what?
Me: What Melvin?
Melvin: Sometimes I can dance and walk at the same time!
Indeed you can, Melvin. Indeed you can.


At 10:17 PM, Blogger amanda said...

Shake it, Melvin, shake it!!!


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