Monday, May 02, 2005

Gotta love the Greeks

Or at least the people who work in the Greek/Mediterranean eating establishments. They say Southerners are friendly, but I think these people beat us hands down. An example: My new favorite place is Mediterranean Cuisine. I walked in today to pick up my order and the guy asked how my day was, etc...Typical chit-chat. Then he asks how my kids were for me today and when school is out for the summer. How is the testing going? Oh my word. This was a conversation we had about 2 weeks ago. And I have only been in once since then. And that was with a group of 12 people. But he remembered. This kind of thing would happen with Amanda and I when we first discovered Kalamata's. They knew us. It was like Norm walking in at Cheers. Now I don't go to these places any more than I do others, but it just seems that, at places like this, they take more time and really try to remember their customers. Amanda claims it's the same way at Fattoush (he-he, Fat Tush). Has anyone else noticed this? Now if you'll excuse me I have some hummus and shawarma calling my name...


At 5:01 PM, Blogger amanda said...

Yes, I now feel the same way about Wonder-Nails in Brentwood! Something about random ethnicities, perhaps!?

At 8:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a word of advise...I visited the new Greek palce down on 8th Ave. (Athens or something like that) where the old Mrs. Winters used to be. The first time I walked in I was looking at the menue trying to find some hummus. I didn't see any so I asked a nice young lady behind the counter if they had hummus. She snapped back at me quicker than a Copperhead (you know it as the Agkistrodon Contortrix) striking a child with a poking stick. "We're a GREEK RESTAURANT...not a Mediterranean restaurant. Hummus is Mediterranean!" I looked at her puzzled for a while and kindly reminded her the hamburgers, bacon, eggs, pankcakes, hot dogs, and chicken fingers on the menu didn't seem to be GREEK either....Don't make the same mistake if visiting an authentic GREEK restaurant.

At 8:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry - I wasn't trying to be "anonymous"

At 8:05 PM, Blogger LB said...

Erik, as long as you keep using words like Agkistrodon and Contortrix, you can go by whatever name you choose ;-)


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