Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Random Stray Hairs

As promised, here is my blog on random body hair. Don't deny it. You have one. Everybody does. I actually have two. One is on my left wrist. It's an odd hair that grows longer than the rest and stands erect on my arm. I remember the first time I noticed it. It got caught on my Swatch. The other is on my right eyebrow. It's white. Not blonde, white. I constantly pluck these hairs, but they always grow back. Stealthily. But constant. It's almost comforting to know that whatever is going on in my life, I always have an errant hair on my wrist.

So where's yours? (Dan, if you don't tell your story, I will. You've been warned.)


At 10:42 AM, Blogger Al said...

One of my friends calls them wisdom hair but I don't care what they are, they have to go!

At 7:09 PM, Blogger Katie said...

Mine is on my big toe. Sexy huh?


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