Sunday, October 09, 2005

Summa cum Laude

Millie graduated today!!! Her "Leave it!" was a little iffy, but she nailed everything else. She got a blue squeaky bone that she'll never play with as she hates those things. So if anyone needs a dog toy, let me know...Here are some pics of the proud pup:
She was pretty exhausted after an intense round of sit, down, and stay so she posed very well...I like that she smiles!! Best. Dog. Ever.

She recupperated quickly and got to play with her new friends...

Her favorites in class were Charlie and Logan who are fighting over the blue bone...and Judge, but he just had his manhood taken away on Thursday so he wasn't allowed to play...

Millie and Logan were the biggest brownnosers in class. I like to call it "Teacher's Pet," though.

Overall, I think her namesake would be proud...


At 9:55 AM, Blogger Michael Hickerson said...

Millie looks pretty thrilled to have the graduation cap on.

Sort of reminds me of the dog we had growing up...he was a Carrien Terrier who loved my sister a lot...because he'd let her dress him up in doll clothes from time to time....

You could tell he was horribly embarrassed but yet he'd let her do it anyway....

At 10:22 AM, Blogger amanda said...

congratulations Mills! Is there any school of higher learning in Millie's future?!?

Millie did much better than my beloved Max (fave pet growing up; God rest his soul)! Max was half Lab/half dalmation and i think was afflicted with ADHD. needless to say, he was at the bottom of his class in obedience school!

At 3:09 PM, Blogger LB said...

She did so well in the cap, I'm thinking antlers at Christmas are a neccessity!!


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