Thursday, September 29, 2005

I'm off to see the wizard...

Not really. But I am off to a book signing at Davis-Kidd. Diana Gabaldon is there tonight and I am SO excited!! Her new book came out Tuesday and I think I have shown the highest degree of restraint humanly possible since I haven't gone and picked it up yet. I fell in love with Diana, er, her books, when I was 16. My friend Megan's mom had read this book about a woman going back in time to the Scottish Highlands. I have always been a lover of all things UKish so I devoured the book. It wasn't until years later, looking for some light beach literature (read: good smut) that I stumbled upon the book and found out, lo and behold, it was a series!! So over the next 2 weeks, I read those 4 books. With each weighing in at around 900 pages, you can imagine how nonexistent my life was...It was worth it, though!! Well, now this is the 6th book and I finally get to meet Diana. I may cry. Just a little.


At 6:42 AM, Blogger Michael Hickerson said...

As the complete and total book-a-holic that I am, hearing about your love for the books makes me curious about them now.

I will also admit a few years ago at DragonCon,I got to meet one of my favorite authors, Peter David, in person. If you ask me, I acted totally cool and was pleasant and nice to him.....ask him I'm sure I was just another idiot fanboy...LOL

At 6:50 AM, Blogger Tiffany said...

So, do we get to tell people that you did tear up, just a little? (As did all of us, I think.)

I'm still smiling. And although I did go get the book first thing Tuesday, I still haven't started reading it, for which I'm very proud of myself. :)

Keeping my fingers crossed that she'll come back in the spring with her book of short stories.


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