Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Riddle of the Day

What has 5 zip codes, crosses 3 time zones, and spans 2 Canadian provinces?

Give up?

The Toronto airport!

I fell in love (big fat HA!) with this bohemoth monstrosity on my trip to England. I don't know which was worse: Air Canada or the Toronto airport. They both rank very high on my "Things I Will Never Do Again" list. In fact, they're numbers 1 and 2! Air Canada, to borrow a phrase from Chadd, suck great big donkey boobies. Overall, the people were SO rude. We encountered maybe 3 that didn't make me sad for mankind. You had to buy snacks on our first flight. No peanuts, no pretzels...That flight, for no apparent reason, was almost 2 HOURS late getting into Toronto so we missed our connection for London. Now generally, we found that you could arrive 2 hours late and still be 3 hours early for an Air Canada flight, but of course this time the exception proved the rule...So anyhoo, we got rebooked for a 10.30 pm flight to London. Yeah, we're gonna delay this one too...We left at 1.15 am. Neat. Ten days in England. Awesome. These will be blogged about seperately because the trip was incredible. I'll skip to the end. Yep, on time for the London to Toronto flight. We make it to Toronto and actually have almost 2 hours to make our connection (which, by the way, is still going to be cutting it close what with all of the buses you have to take to get from one terminal to another. I almost commandeered a bus when the driver got out and just walked around and we were left growling.)...Everything is hunky dorey. Oh, except for that it's raining in Atlanta. And Air Canada is apparently the only airline that Atlanta is turning away. So our flight got cancelled. They ever so accommodatingly rebooked us on another flight. For 8.30 the NEXT night. We finally ran into one of the good ones who rerouted us to Nashville. Where we taxied to the middle of a runway and had to walk across the tarmac to get inside. I didn't realize anyone still did this.

Girls, we've still got to get together to write our epic poem about the badness that is Air Canada...


At 7:55 PM, Blogger CHADDDD said...

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At 7:56 PM, Blogger CHADDDD said...

It makes my heart proud to be associated with the phrase: "sucks great big donkey boobies." What a legacy.

At 8:08 PM, Blogger LB said...

Yes, your parents, whilst sitting around sipping hot chocolate and engaging in witty banter will probably shed a tear at the eloquence of their son.

At 1:33 PM, Blogger Katie said...

Will they be eating smores?

At 2:55 PM, Blogger CHADDDD said...

Of course, all melty with chocolate goodness!

At 9:15 AM, Blogger Michael Hickerson said...

Have you ever read the Douglas Adams book, "The Long Dark Tea Time of the Soul"? The opening sentence is something like this..."In all the varied languages of the world, there is no phrase 'As beautiful as an airport.'"

So true...

At 2:27 PM, Blogger LB said...

Good point...who are you?


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