Sunday, January 29, 2006

Greetings from my new computer!

Woo hoo! I got everything deleted off my lemon of a desktop yesterday and have now set up my new computer. For those of you waiting with bated breath to know what I have now...It's an Apple iBook G4. I LOVE it. It took all of 5 minutes to set it up, while it took 5 hours to take the other one down. Here's a bit of advice: Never get a Dell. I don't know if the one I got was just wonky, but it had problems from day 1. My dad's hated it for 3 years. He could never get it working correctly, and he's literally taken his computer apart and put it back together just for fun. I don't mean unhooked things and plugged them back in...I mean he took chips and whatnot out of the bowels of the thing and reassembled it. I remember going through his office at home and Tron looking stuff was just all over the place. It was scary. So anyways, hopefully this new one will not give me problems like the old one did. Hm...this posting was as boring as one of Dan's...I apologize for that...Hopefully I'll have something more interesting soon...though I doubt I'll ever equal Chadd's butt shot.


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