Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Bah Friggin' Humbug

I'm starting to think that Ebenezer Scrooge was a school teacher. This week has been the most pointless ever spent in the classroom. We've been doing worksheets like "Snowball Short Vowels" and "Kwanza Cheer Sequencing." No, seriously. Today I actually resorted to threatening to take away our holiday party tomorrow if they didn't stop acting like lunatics. They were bouncing off the walls. Putting up with crazy all day has just made me tired and all I want to do is come home and sit in the dark and suck my thumb. I don't want to turn on Christmas lights. I don't want to listen to my "Rockin' Best Christmas CD Ever" cd. Nothing. I went shopping after school for snacks for our party (because I'm not REALLY going to take a party away from 7 year olds) and just threw a bunch of crap in my basket. I think I got some Christmasy cookies, but I'm not really sure. All I have to think is 12 more hours...12 more hours...12 more hours...Hm...I feel a song parody coming on...I'll start and you, my loyal if slightly disgruntled subjects, must finish it:

Twelve Hours Before Christmas (to the tune of Twelve Days of Christmas---cuz you didn't see that coming! But we'll just be counting down.)
On the twelfth hour before Christmas my students gave to me
12 pounding headaches...



At 7:52 PM, Blogger Katie said...

Eleven reasons to drink...
Ten Cosmopolitans...
Nine Midori Sours...
Eight Margaritas...
Seven more Mojitos...
Six Shots of Whiskey...
Five Screwdrivers...
Four long island iced teas...
Three Jello Shots...
Two Singapore Slings...
And a giant tub of L-blini's.

Yeah....I win right?

At 5:11 AM, Blogger LB said...

At 6:03 AM, Blogger Michael Hickerson said...

12 pounding headaches
11 spitballs flying
10 "My dog ate my homework"s
9 bathroom passes
8 pigtails in inkwells
7 "When is it recess?"
6 parental conferences
5 sugar highs
4 calling on cell phones
3 PSPs (those Playstation thingys)
2 cases of Tylenol
and a tongue stuck to a flagpole

At 8:50 PM, Blogger amanda said...

11 Advil tablets
10 snotty noses
9 knees a knockin'
8 Menorrah tapers
7 pencils broken
6 Santa's helpers
5 hours til school's out
4 rules disobeyed
3 cards punched
2 unruly Mexicans
and a mistletoe smooch from hottie sub!

At 1:01 PM, Blogger LB said...

And Amanda wins for her inclusion of Hottie McSub...who was at school today...Thanks, Santa!

At 12:17 PM, Blogger Michael Hickerson said...

Well, I'm feeling all Ebeneezer like! LOL


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