Friday, November 11, 2005

Hottie McHot

Sigh...I just got home from going to see the new Pride and Prejudice. Now, while the BBC version remains, in my opinion, the best adaptation of the book that can ever be made, this one had Matthew MacFayden. I think his direction in the scene to the left was, "Walk. Look hot." Yeah, he nailed it. The movie was really good overall. And I think we were all in agreement that every man who was there got lucky tonight...And what did us single gals do? Well, we headed over to The Cheesecake Factory for some chocolatey goodness. And wine...And, already reveling in the Mr. Darcy afterglow, we then had the good fortune to have our cake served by these gents:
Um, yeah...It was a good night...


At 1:27 PM, Blogger Katie said...

Any of the men that went to see that movie with their wives/girlfriends last night....It's now 3pm the following day and I bet they're still reaping the benefits.

At 2:05 PM, Blogger amanda said...

when this week are we recreating last Friday night??? Way HOT!

At 5:46 AM, Blogger Michael Hickerson said...

As a male, I can say this--I'd far rather go with a woman to see something based on a classic like Pride and Predjuice than a lot of the other rather formulaic romantic comedies that are out there today. But I also think a good relaionship is one of give and take...if she wants to see the latest romantic comedy and I want to see something involving stuff getting blowed up, we can comprimise. Or see both....whichever works. LOL

At 2:57 PM, Blogger LB said...

Did I mention the one on the right is French...Now, I'm usually not such a fan of the French, but he has restored my faith. Just a bit.

At 8:46 PM, Blogger amanda said...

Whoever's going to view Hottie McHot again this week and next and the next, let me know!

lb, i saw the french one while you were in the bathroom. actually, could be canadian, too. he actually favors a guy i went to college with, though i know that's not david baker (who is canadian).

At 6:54 PM, Blogger CHADDDD said...

Pride and Prejudice was so, like, last month. When are you going to blog some new stuff?


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